Browse the

Bartók District offers a range of special local services, facilities and opportunities for residents and visitors. Use the map to discover and rediscover places, or just explore the area.


Want to do something creative in your spare time? Looking for a good local shop? Want to know where to play sports? Choose the activity you’re looking for on the left side of the map and you’ll see what the district has to offer. The Bartók District map is also useful if you don’t have any specific goals in mind – we’re pretty sure you’ll find something special here.

When putting together this map, we’ve selected all kinds of local businesses who, in addition to what they already do, enrich the community by putting on educational or cultural activities, or programmes with a public interest.

Got a good idea you’d love to see on the map? Drop a line!

We’re grateful to the Centre of Contemporary Architecture for helping us create the Bartók District map.